Friday, April 26, 2024

Will Coronavirus Lead to More Cyber Attacks?


With the rise of the COVID-19 virus devastating our communities, it can be hard to know if there’s going to be any cyberattacks. The problem with this type of community breakdowns is that the cyber world has many hidden agendas where they plan to cyberattack a company.

If you want to avoid that, there are many different types of steps you can take to help combat this issue. As of right now, there aren’t that many cyberattacks being made. However, we do see a rise in this matter as we continue to practice self-isolation.

So, what can you do to protect yourself?

1. Get Better Security (or Your Company Email as Well)

With most of the world shifting to working from home, you’ll find that there are fewer online safety guards to keep your network protected. Large corporations have more robust defenses that prevent hackers or cyber-attacks from happening. However, your home computer may not have such a means of protection.

Does that mean that you need to be worried that you’ll get hacked? No. We’re saying that there is a chance, but it’s better that you prepare yourself on the off chance that it will happen. It’s best not to work with confidential company information online. Make sure that your firewalls are up to date and that you have adequate virus protection. If you play online games, such as Book of Ra Kostenlos, you probably know how to defend yourself.

2. Avoid Clicking on Email & Website Phishing Attempts

When there’s a massive epidemic, cybercriminals love to take advantage and send fake phishing emails. They often sound like they are offering you a deal or trying to clear up a problem via the coronavirus. Being able to distinguish when to and not to click on these emails can help save you from getting any data stolen.

If the email somehow bypasses your spam folder and you don’t recognize it, then don’t open it. By opening the letter, you may get infected with a virus or get cyber attacked. They can gather information associated with your company email.

The same goes for phishing scams for websites. To keep yourself protected, avoid clicking on any links that aren’t from a trusted source. With a worldwide pandemic going on, it’s easy for cyber hackers to use information, statistics, and other methods to get people to click on links.

If an email, article, or even a text reaches out with an unknown link, don’t click it. This can help prevent you from having information corrupted. You must follow only those that come from reliable sources. Keeping your devices up to date on virus protection can also prevent any issues.

3. Use Secure & Updated WiFi

While we know free WiFi may seem like a benefit, only connect to secure and updated networks. If you’re connecting your devices to your router, make sure that they have the latest anti-virus protection. This can help you deter hackers from accessing your computer.

You may think it won’t happen to you, but it can. Any device that automatically connects to Bluetooth devices or WiFi can be hacked. Making sure that you have accounts with multi-factor logins and passwords can help keep you protected.

If you’re working from home, ensure that your devices don’t automatically join any open WiFi connections. Otherwise, you risk sensitive information being leaked. Hackers will try and get you to connect to these to steal information. The best method to avoid this is to not even try to join some suspicious/unknown network in the first place.

<img alt=”Bluetooth or WiFi “>

4. Have Employers Setup Secure Remote Access

With offices closing all over the world, it’s best to get your employer to set up remote access before you work from home. This can help make sure that your authentication is protected and works. However, setting this up after office closures can end up having information disclosed.

5. See If Employers Will Allow You to Use Work Laptops

Company-issued devices tend to come with stronger security to protect sensitive data. If possible, ask your employer if they can issue a company laptop. If you need to work with the company’s systems, use only that device, not your personal one. This can help prevent hackers from rummaging your documents. A medical device company, among many other organizations, has implemented such a concept.

6. Update Emergency Contacts

Lastly, make sure that you stay connected with people in your department and company. Having a way to communicate and contact someone can ensure that no information gets leaked. Hackers have a knack for trying to pretend to be someone they’re not. They may prey on people who they know work for particular company business and try to get you to send company information or release sensitive documents.

The best way to prevent this is to ensure that you have contacts with everyone in your company. A verified list can help ensure that all the workers know who is who. Plus, if you fall victim to malware or DDoS attack, you can address other departments to fix the issue. Posting company guidelines can also serve as a great precautionary measure.


In uncertain times, it’s easy for cyber attackers and hackers to take advantage of panic and fear. The insufficient level of security during the epidemic can easily lead to more cyberattacks. Ensuring that you use the above-listed methods can help you or your company avoid falling prey to these tactics.

Overall, we believe that daily life online in a pandemic can undoubtedly cause an increase in cyberattacks. Often, these times give hackers extra incentive because most people will become more vulnerable. If you own a company, take additional measures to secure your servers and keep everything up to date. By educating your yourself on the matter, you will provide insurance company employee can count on.

What’s your take on this? Let us know in the comments!

Thomas Glare (Author) Thomas Glare is a computer science graduate who currently lives in Chicago. He’s worked for multiple tech companies during his 9-year-long career before becoming a consultant and launching his own business. Thomas runs marathons in his spare time

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