The newest entry in Google’s family of low-priced devices running their own home-grown software has appeared in their Google Play online store – enter the Samsung Chromebook (series 3) for just $249. We have our own Samsung Series 3 Chromebook review for you to take a peek at with full details on how this little beast is about to take the student world by storm. By the looks of it though, it’s not just students that Google hopes to be swallowing up here with the price-floor-busting Chromebook: it’s “FOR EVERYONE.”
This device works with an extremely lightweight body and a display that’s by no means perfect, but certainly gets the job done for the average user. You’ve got this version which is wi-fi only for $249, another coming soon with 3G connectivity availability via its SIM-card slot in the back, and a whole massive barrel of Chromebooks out there on the market from the past two years. This is the newest though, and perhaps the most important.
It’s the price point first, then the high-quality build that makes this notebook – excuse me, this Chromebook – so important to the tech world. Though you wont be able to play any high-powered games, nor will you be working with processor-busting video rendering (for now), you will be getting a web-centric machine for $249 USD. That’s a price so low that it makes the masses consider it, even if they don’t need it.
This unit in its wi-fi-only iteration is available now from Google Play. If you want any other version, you’ll have to head elsewhere for now. Chromebooks are not yet heavily available in stores around the world (or around your neighborhood, for that matter), but they are a big enough deal at this point to be ready for delivery at larger electronics stores in all cities – have a peek!
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Samsung Chromebook available now in Google Play online store at $249 is written by SlashGear.
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