Friday, April 26, 2024

Todoist’s business platform has a new activity log and notifications


Todoist has long been one of the best task management / to-do services out there. It works on just about every platform you could ask for and is frequently updated with useful features. But one of its main competitors, Wunderlist, has the power of Microsoft behind it, so Todoist needs to keep improving its product to keep up. One of the big focuses for the company over the next year or so will be its business platform, and that starts today.

Probably the most noteworthy new feature in Todoist Business is an activity log that can be filtered in a wide variety of ways. You’ll be able to see how everyone in your team is progressing on the various projects they’re assigned to, and you can sort by dates, people and projects to get a more focused view of exactly how things are moving forward. Another way to view progress is by sorting by tasks added, updated, completed, uncompleted and deleted tasks, and added comments. It’s a pretty dizzying array of seeing what’s going on in your team — but if you’re using Todoist to track a big set of projects and team members, it should help you see how things are moving forward.

Each project also has a new unified “notes” area where the project leader can share details; you can also attach files to your comments and also notify team members when you add things to that thread. To keep things from getting overly cluttered, notifications are grouped and collapsed by default so you don’t get one every single time something in a project is updated.

The last update is a tweak to Todoist’s “quick add” feature that lets you use natural language to add tasks to your to-do lists. Now in addition to quickly adding recurring tasks on specific dates, you can also easily specify specific users and projects in the quick add field. Todoist says the quick add features will now work the same across all platforms, including iOS and Android.

Of course, a “business” offering doesn’t come for free — Todoist’s corporate product costs $28.99 per user, per year. That’s the same price as the single-user “premium” offering that’s more focused at individuals rather than businesses. It’s not exactly in expensive, particularly if your organization is a large one, but Todoist promises that there will be a whole host of new features for business subscribers coming out between now and 2017. While you don’t want to sign up for something based on potential future features, Todoist’s paid offering is already quite robust. And, it’s cheaper than Wunderlist Pro, to boot. It’s still probably a coin flip as to which is better, but Todoist is still definitely worth your consideration.

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