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Five essentials for working from home

So we are all stuck at home. The majority of the planet is. You are not alone, although it sure feels lonely. The ozone layer is recovering and there’s less trash in the streets, and we are staying at home, mostly eating…

But what if you have to work on top of all that munching? Watch the eating too, by the way, it’s harder to lose it than to pile on!

But back to business. If you have to organize your work from home, there are obvious obstacles and we want to offer you a few tips on how to avoid them.

Battle bad mobile signal reception

This is enemy number one in a quarantine. If you have any trouble with getting a steady signal, you are guaranteed to have problems. So it might be time to invest in a mobile signal booster and forget you ever had a problem like that. You can visit here for more details and choose the one you find appropriate for your living arrangements. In the time of quarantine, we have to keep a basic level of comfort. What if you want to take your laptop to the balcony, or your terrace and work from there, to get a little fresh air, but all you get out there is lousy 2 bars? Not productive, is it? So long story short, make sure you have the proper gear for top-notch connection.

Organize a time-table for yourself

Even if you are a child of chaos, bringing some order into your life will make it more productive. Quarantine is probably not a typical situation for you, so you are facing a challenge of battling your lazy side and getting any work done during those 24 hours. As much as you may hate the word “organize”, you still need to do it. Start with your alarm clock. And make it realistic. You don’t need to run and catch the train, you don’t need to be stuck in traffic, so just pick a realistic hour to wake up every working day without fail. This will help you set your whole day in motion.

Organize your working space

Let’s face it, not all of us have separate studies in our house, where you can close the door and get some peace and quiet. If you have a family, the chances are your spouse and/or your kids are going to need their space too. So try to have a small area, preferably with a table, where you can work with no one disturbing you for at least 30-minute spurs. It’s a realistic time for children to give you privacy and for you to get something done. When you have a designated area for working, your mind will switch into work-mode much faster and give you better chances to be productive.

Make sure you have enough food

In the beginning, we warned you about over-eating, which is pretty much eating out of boredom and nothing else. But, making sure you have a sensible breakfast, lunch and dinner is important as well. Your brain will thank you, and you will get much more done, without wasting time on constant snacking.

Be sure to take breaks in between work assignments

We don’t mean slacking off, just some 10-minute intervals between 30-45 minutes of productive work. It will give your brain a chance to reboot and your muscles to stretch. This will increase your energy and give your back a chance to relax a little. No downside!

So there you have it, hopefully, our advice will help you get your quarantine life back on the working track and save you some precious time. But above all, stay healthy and safe, protect those around you and remember, you are not alone!

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