Sunday, September 15, 2024


Apple is tackling one of the most frustrating aspects with AI today

The company wants to keep users comfortable as their AI models continually upgrade.

New ‘shady’ research from MIT uses shadows to see what cameras can’t

What if you could look at an existing video and determine what was happening just beyond the camera's view? That's the idea behind new research from MIT that uses shadows to recreate the objects that lie outside the frame.

New ‘shady’ research from MIT uses shadows to see what cameras can’t

What if you could look at an existing video and determine what was happening just beyond the camera's view? That's the idea behind new research from MIT that uses shadows to recreate the objects that lie outside the frame.

Pick your nose in a crowd of 10,000 and this 500 megapixel camera will know

Hiding from a security camera becomes even harder when that camera can see five times the detail that the human eye can.

Tiny bubbles in your body could be better at fighting cancer than chemotherapy

New research suggests that tiny bubbles that already exist in our body might potentially be used to treat cancer — and work better than chemotherapy.

International Space Station communications get an upgrade, doubling data rate

Components of the Space Network have been upgraded to double the rate at which data can be sent from the ISS back to Earth.

Scientists created a pair of contacts that zoom in when you blink

Ever wish your eye came with a zoom lens? Soon they might. Scientists at the University of California San Diego have successfully created a pair of contact lenses that zoom in on something when you blink twice.

Researchers sent a fake, unblockable presidential alert to a 50,000-seat stadium

A group of researchers was able to send out fake, unblockable presidential alerts to phones in a 50,000-seat football stadium. The team from the University of Colorado Boulder figured out a way to spoof the alert and send it out.

Mount Everest is now home to the world’s highest weather station

A team of scientists has created a new record with the installation of the world’s highest weather station atop Everest. Data from the expedition will help researchers better understand the effect of climate change on the region.

Eat up! This robot is built to feed dinner to people who can’t feed themselves

Engineers have developed a robot that can feed people dinner. Powered by an artificial intelligence algorithm, the system detects pieces of food on a plate, stabs them with a fork, and transports the morsels to a person’s mouth.The post Eat up! This robot is built to feed dinner to people who can’t feed themselves appeared first on Digital Trends.

Scientists discover a strange shape that blocks almost all sound

Called an “acoustic meta-material,” the shape was developed based on a mathematically modeled design that enables it to cancel up to 94 percent of sound by reflecting certain frequencies back to their source.The post Scientists discover a strange shape that blocks almost all sound appeared first on Digital Trends.

Artificial ‘superhuman’ skin could help burn victims, amputees ‘feel’ again

Researchers have developed a new kind of sensor designed to enable artificial skin to sense pressure, vibrations, and even magnetic fields. The technology could help burn victims and amputees feel again through their prosthetic limbs.The post Artificial ‘superhuman’ skin could help burn victims, amputees ‘feel’ again appeared first on Digital Trends.

3D printing could help regrow bones of injured combat veterans

A scientist at the University of Arizona is investigating ways to mend broken bones using 3D printing and adult stem cells. The research is geared toward helping veterans who suffer combat injuries.The post 3D printing could help regrow bones of injured combat veterans appeared first on Digital Trends.

Frogs regrow ‘paddle-like’ limbs when placed in a bioreactor

Frogs have partially regrown amputated limbs thanks to a bioreactor at Tufts University. By jump-starting tissue repair, the bioreactor helped the amphibians regenerate a bigger, more complete appendages than they usually do.The post Frogs regrow ‘paddle-like’ limbs when placed in a bioreactor appeared first on Digital Trends.

Scientists want to bore holes through clouds using lasers from satellites

Researchers at the University of Geneva in Switzerland have proposed a plan to use ultra-hot and ultra-short laser beams to punch through cloud layers and transmit information from satellites to Earth.The post Scientists want to bore holes through clouds using lasers from satellites appeared first on Digital Trends.

Biologists have found a protein that could make space farming possible

Researchers have shown how space farming may be possible. By encouraging plants to excrete a certain hormone, they’ve demonstrated that crops can thrive despite challenging conditions, such as low-nutrient soil and microgravity.The post Biologists have found a protein that could make space farming possible appeared first on Digital Trends.