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How to Secure Your Computer From Hackers and Viruses

In today’s world, online and computing devices play a crucial role in our businesses. From personal information to confidential work data, our laptops, smartphones, and desktop computers hold valuable information that malicious individuals can target. Therefore, it is essential to safeguard your devices against potential hackers and other digital threats. Experts at IT Support Escanaba help you to protect your devices from falling into the wrong hands.

This article will explore the top ways to protect your computers from threats.

7 Ways to Secure Your Computer From Hackers and Viruses

1.   Use Strong Passwords & Password Manager

Passwords are one of the most effective ways to protect computers against hacking attempts. However, most websites now require passwords to meet a minimum level of complexity, such as a certain length and mix of character types. Unfortunately, any password that is easy for a person to remember is often easy for hackers to guess using brute-force methods. This means it’s crucial to strike a balance between creating a memorable and secure password.

Secure your computer from hackers with ease by using a reliable password manager. These tools securely store all your passwords and can generate strong, randomized passwords that are nearly impossible to crack through brute force or other hacking methods. Using a trusted password manager can ensure the safety of your sensitive information and avoid the risk of cyber attacks.

2.   Utilize Antivirus Software

Antivirus software, or anti-malware, is a powerful program to safeguard your computer from harmful viruses and malware. This software effortlessly performs the crucial tasks of detecting, removing, and preventing malware from compromising your devices, networks, and IT systems, ultimately ensuring the safety of your sensitive data.

With just a click of a button, you can easily protect your computer and have peace of mind knowing that your online activities are secured from potential threats.

3.   Enables Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a highly effective security measure that adds an extra layer of protection to your accounts. It requires an entirely separate channel, such as an email account or registered phone number, to be used as the second step of your password. With 2FA, your online accounts are fortified with an extra layer of protection that even a hacker who has stolen your password cannot bypass. The second factor, typically a one-time PIN sent to your phone, ensures that only you can access your account. This added security offers peace of mind, knowing that your accounts are safeguarded from unauthorized access.

While 2FA can provide an additional layer of security to your online accounts, it is important to note that determined criminals may still find ways to bypass it. For instance, they may attempt to hack your email password or engage in a “SIM swap” scam to take control of your phone number. However, it’s worth noting that these methods require a significant amount of effort and pose significant risks to the perpetrators, making it less likely that they will target you at random. Despite these potential risks, 2FA remains one of the most effective deterrents you can implement to safeguard your computer and online accounts.

4.   Backup Your Device

In a data breach, recovering your data can be challenging if you haven’t backed it up before. To avoid losing critical information, it’s recommended that you backup your data every 24 hours. In addition, experts suggest following the 3-2-1 method, which entails creating three copies of your data, two stored locally and one kept off-site. For businesses, it’s crucial to back up data to the cloud, an external hard drive, and the original device.

Protect your data and system from potential hacker attacks. With a few clicks, hackers can quickly delete or alter your data or even wipe out your entire system. Don’t risk losing your valuable information. Instead, be proactive and keep your data safe by utilizing backup storage options. For macOS users, Time Machine is a reliable solution. For Windows users, File History is an accessible option.

5.   System Updates

It’s highly recommended to enable automatic updates for your operating system and software on your computer. By doing so, you can ensure that your system is consistently updated with the latest security fixes and benefit from improved software stability.

Moreover, it helps remove outdated features that may pose a security threat in the long run. So, turn on automatic updates to keep your system secure and running smoothly.

6.   Use a Pop-up Blocker

Web browsers provide a valuable feature that allows you to control pop-up windows and set your preferred level of security for accepting them. However, it’s important to note that clicking on links within pop-up screens can pose a potential security risk. The federal OnGuardOnline site recommends avoiding clicking on these links altogether to stay safe online.

If you suspect your computer is infected, the first step is to ensure that your security software is up to date. Once you have done that, thoroughly scan your computer to identify any potential threats. If the issue persists, consider searching for online forums where others may have shared their experiences and found solutions to similar problems. Typing in a relevant question on your preferred search engine could help you find these valuable resources.

7.   Spot Harmful Emails

Email is, unfortunately, still a highly effective tool for cybercriminals to target unsuspecting individuals. Due to its ease of use, attackers can easily send out mass emails to find a few vulnerable victims to exploit. Therefore, it’s essential to remain vigilant and take the necessary steps to protect yourself from these malicious attacks.

  A practical method to identify potentially harmful scams is to enter the email’s content into a search engine such as Google or visit a reputable website like ScamBusters. Chances are high that a similar fraud has already been reported, providing valuable insight and warning signs.


While the above steps can significantly reduce the risks associated with internet browsing, it is essential to note that there is no foolproof method of eliminating all potential threats. Therefore, it is crucial to remain vigilant and exercise caution while online. Avoid responding to emails or messages from unknown sources, and enable computer encryption regularly to enhance your security further. By following these measures, you can achieve a safer and more secure browsing experience.

Post courtesy: DS Tech, Comprehensive Tech Support Solutions

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