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What Are the Leak Testing Methods?

Whether you’re a manufacturer or a consumer, every person should know the benefits of leak detection in packing. Also, they should understand the wide variety of available leak detection equipment.

Savvy investors appreciate the importance of operating with quality leak detection equipment to get the job done. Here, we’ll explore some of the common types of leak testing you’ll encounter so that you can make an informed decision that suits your company.

Exploring Different Leak Testing Methods

Leak testing is the process of checking for leaks in a system to ensure that it is devoid of any potential leakage. You can perform leak testing by employing various leak detection methods. That way, you can ensure excellent function and maintenance of industrial systems.

Next, we will cover the five most common types of leak detection equipment one can find in an industrial setting.

Helium Sniff Leak Detection

One of the preferred methods for leak detection is the helium sniff. The equipment packs the food with helium under pressure. The detection then involves using an electronic helium-detecting scanner to check if the inert gas escapes to the surface. When the product leaks, the sniffer will detect helium in the surrounding. This method is advantageous when you intend to know the exact location of the leak.

Dunk Testing

Dunk testing (also called bubble testing) is the most basic, cost-effective method of leak testing and location. While it does not require sophisticated equipment, it’s still a popular home remedy for detecting food packaging leaks. The consumer submerges the packaging in water and examines whether any bubbles emanate. The size and recurrence of bubbles both testify to the presence of leaks in a package.

Pressure Decay Leak Testing

Decay is what you don’t want to happen with your packaged food. But in this scenario, the word refers to a fall in pressure inside the package. This form of leak detection equipment inserts dry air or nitrogen into the packaging at a determined level. You then watch over a certain period to see if there is any variance in pressure, indicating a leak.

Intact food packing should keep its pressure over time. If it changes, the product will need to be repackaged or disposed of. This detection method is highly accurate and fast. It finds excellent application in standardized volumetric flow measurement. Unfortunately, this method does not point to the origin of the leaks. Additionally, testing large parts takes a lot of time because of reduced changes in pressure.

Vacuum Decay Leak Detection

Vacuum decay leak detection operates similarly to a pressure decay leak test. It siphons air from the container to detect leaks. Once it creates a vacuum, it performs the necessary calculations to see whether the pressure varies over time. A change in pressure depicts the presence of a leak. This method is common with packages that could have leaks from foreign sources.

Vacuum decay testing is less vulnerable to shifts in environmental conditions, making it a suitable option for leak testing where temperature adjustment may be difficult. Sadly, liquid evaporation and surface out-gassing affect its sensitivity.

Ultrasonic Measurement Leak Detection

This type of leak testing measures sound waves of a specific frequency to ascertain the presence of a leak. Leaking packaging typically creates a high-frequency noise that a specialized leak detection gadget can detect. It detects leaks using an electronic meter and can also inform you of the leak rate.


These five methods outlined here are essential for food protection. As a manufacturer, you are responsible for ensuring that all your packaged products reach your end customers in perfect condition. That way, you will be able to maintain the trust of your clients while at the same time complying with local regulations regarding safety conditions inside the packaging you use for your products. To know more about seal testers, contact the experts at Seal-Check today to bring your business to the next level!

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