If you’re someone who adds a lot of songs to your queue and lets everything play out, sometimes you can forget what’s up next. Often, it’s enough just to hide a Spotify song so you can move on. If you need to wipe the slate totally clean, you will want to know how to clear your Spotify queue.
Please do note that the Spotify play queue button is only available for Spotify Premium subscribers.
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To clear your Spotify queue on Android and iOS, open your current song into full-screen and tap the Queue button in the bottom right corner. Press the Clear queue button, located next to Next In Queue.
To clear your Spotify queue on the desktop app and web player, click the Queue button from the playback bar at the bottom of the interface. Next, click CLEAR QUEUE, located to the right of Next in queue.
- Viewing your queue on Spotify
- How to clear your queue on Spotify (Android and iOS)
- How to clear your queue on Spotify (desktop and web player)
Clearing your Spotify queue lets you start anew. All of the songs you have queued up will be removed, and you will be free to start adding the songs you want to listen to at that moment.
What is a queue on Spotify?
A queue is a lineup or sequence of things in order. In this case, when you add music to your queue in Spotify, it means that’s what will be coming up next. If you add multiple songs to your queue, they will play out in the order you added them.
How to view your queue on Spotify
Credit: Curtis Joe / Android Authority
First off, you should know how to see all of the songs you’ve got queued up on Spotify. To do this, you have to know where to find the queue button. The queue button on Spotify looks like a list of songs. It looks like three horizontal lines with a right-facing triangle in the top left.
On Android and iOS, this is most easily found on the play screen. When you have a song playing and have that song full-screened, the queue button will show up in the bottom right corner underneath the media controls.
On the desktop app and web player, the queue button is always in the playback bar at the bottom of the interface, to the right of the media controls. It is near the volume slider.
After selecting the queue button, you can see all your queued-up songs.
Help! I don’t have the queue button on mobile.
The queue button will only appear if you are a Spotify Premium subscriber. The reason for this is that, if you use Spotify Free, you can only listen to music in permanent shuffle mode.
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