Starting today, prospective Visible customers can try their service for free before you make the full commitment. You don’t need a credit card, to port your current number, or even wait for a sim card to start the 15-day free trial.
Using eSIM technology, you can sign up for Visible, activate your phone and be on your way in as little as 15 minutes. An eSIM is essentially a reusable SIM card built into your phone and uses software to activate and deactivate it. The best part is that you can have a regular SIM card installed in your phone and an eSIM installed, giving you 2 numbers on the same device.
If you are looking to give Visible a try, all you have to do is head to their website to make sure your phone is eligible for the free trial. You will then receive a trial phone number, allowing you to use your number from your current carrier and Visible’s new temporary number at the same time. If you end up making the switch, you can either keep the trial number, or port in your existing number.
The free trial lasts 15 days and currently only works on select iPhones. Eligible phones include the iPhone SE 2020, iPhone XR, iPhone XS/Max, iPhone 11 series, iPhone 12 series, and the iPhone 13 series.
Visible has fully committed themselves to eSIM technology. Currently, it only works with Apple devices, but their goal is to be 100% eSIM sometime in the future.
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