MacRumors and ZAGG have partnered up again this week, with a sale that’s taking 30 percent off sitewide on any one item when you use the code MACRUMORS30 at checkout. This exclusive sale will only last for two days, so you have until Wednesday, November 17 to take advantage of the discount.
Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with some of these vendors. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.
This code will only work on full priced products found on ZAGG’s website, which also includes the brands Mophie and Halo. If you’re interested in more than one item, ZAGG also has a promotion running that lets you bundle two or more full-priced products and get 30 percent off your entire cart (applied automatically).
30% OFFZAGG Sitewide Sale
With our exclusive promo code, you can save on Mophie’s new MagSafe-compatible accessory line. This includes the Snap+ Wireless Stand, Snap+ Wireless Vent Mount, Snap+ Juice Pack Mini, and Snap+ Wireless Charger. You can also shop for power banks, screen protectors, battery cases, protective cases, and more.
Our full Deals Roundup has more information on the latest Apple-related sales and bargains.Related Roundup: Apple Deals
This article, “Exclusive Deals: Start Your Holiday Shopping With 30% Off Any One Item Sitewide at ZAGG/Mophie” first appeared on
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