Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Why Should Cloud-Native Infrastructure Matter in 2021?


Industries are shifting and evolving with modern ideas, including cloud-native infrastructure, for better productivity and customer satisfaction. At the moment, compared to a decade ago, trends encourage faster operations, cost-saving, enhanced scalability, improved security, and advanced software development methods.

Native cloud pertains to how your IT team builds and manages the application instead of running, which is not the cloud as thought wrongly. Moreover, cloud-native development encompasses the ways industries can attain objectives conveniently.

By implementing a solid cloud-native infrastructure, you adopt a microservice architecture and 12-factor applications, among others. Meanwhile, why should cloud-native infrastructure matter today?

Management-Developer Dichotomy

Cloud-native extends beyond shifting and lifting existing or new applications to private or public cloud infrastructure. It refers to the latest methods of creating apps that capitalise on modern technologies.

Typically, people expect technologists to understand better to understand each building concept more than the executives. The executives are also misconceived that moving applications to a public IaaS provider are sufficient to consider cloud-native development done.

Somehow, however, survey respondents indicate that IT management roles tend to prioritise writing applications that capitalise on cloud architecture than developers.

Comprehensive Tracking

Through tracking, useful data are analysed for meaningful insights. Data monitoring must include everything and extend beyond conventional monitoring tools.

Changes are underway to migrate from traditional monitoring to observability. Observability employs predictive and suggestive analytics using logging and tracing data.

So, it does not only track the distributed systems health in real-time with APIs. Meanwhile, the cloud-native governance platform should employ a real-time or observability approach to enable companies to stay compliant.

Lure and Retain Top Talents

It appeals to developers to operate with cloud-native development and other open-source technology that allow progress faster to mitigate delays. Since the task is not cumbersome, developers are pleased and willing to continue with the job.

Typically, when your organisation hires top-quality developers, the outcome is improved productivity. In this regard, your organisation instigates innovations and keeps up with trends.

Moreover, open-source contributions aid in establishing an excellent reputation as a technology manager.

Prioritise Significant Aspects

While your organisation focuses on less significant aspects of the business, it slows down productivity practically.

Cloud-native endows your dev team to concentrate on important business requirements instead of taking on meaningless infrastructure details. Furthermore, it introduces pace in developing development to improve productivity apart from appropriating remote system access from various locations.

Faster Optimal Release

Following trends, customers expect faster application and update releases. Suppose an application stays without useful updates for a while; it loses a larger part of its integrity. The speedier your organisation conceives builds and ships desirable changes to customers, the better the chance of success to evade lagging amidst today’s fast-growing technology.

Contemporary DevOps necessitates automation throughout the software delivery process. Meanwhile, the software delivery pipeline experiences transformation that simplifies the process and renders it predictable regardless of being build automation, test automation or deployment automation.

The contemporary cloud-native application also backs DevOps processes, which aids automation and collaboration not possible in limited server-based software delivery processes and local development.

Humanised Automation

Automation is one of the features of native cloud animates in app development. When you take up automated methodologies and DevOps practices in the organisation, it refines cloud-native. You also save cost in this regard and deliver applications quicker.


Modern cloud-native technology brings containerization. Containers simplify how you manage secure apps independently within the infrastructure supporting them. Trends now unite around Kubernetes to manage containers at scale.

Kubernetes is an open-source platform supported globally and is considered standard for managing cloud-hosted resources. Cloud-native applications gain enormously from containerization.

Nevertheless, the industry hosts more powerful cloud-native tools other than Kubernetes, and it entails tooling and infrastructure standardisation, which reduces cost.

Serverless is enhanced cloud-native functionality. It enables pay-per-use and dynamic workload within a short time.


Native cloud architecture allows scalable development without disrupting the entire application. In this regard, it encourages an increasing customer base and manages variable costs.

Mitigate Failure

Typically, cloud-native apps are rigid and resistant to failures. They can handle breakdowns automatically and engage in restorative actions.

When failure occurs, app processing migrates to a different data centre without disrupting service flow.

The process is carried out so swiftly that end users do not discover breakdown. In essence, suppose a data centre experiences partial outage; cloud-hosted apps continue to run smoothly.


To ensure seamless service operations, cloud-native is resilient to challenges and failures. Failures typically occur when external factors, including targeted service attacks and removed instances from services. It can also be instigated by a component misconfiguration in a system structure.

Moreover, Kubernetes scheduling functionality performs excellently in this aspect. It provides highly available services throughout data centres, routing of complex network traffic to curtail targeted attacks and options to fix instances falling. Ultimately, why cloud-native matters cannot be overemphasised; the industry keeps evolving and is expected to maintain a steady trend across years.

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