There’s nothing quite as irritating or invasive as a nasty odor. It doesn’t matter where you are, if there’s something stinky in the air, it’s hard to avoid. Thanks to our olfactory system, we can detect and discriminate an incredibly broad range of odors.
When you walk into a new environment you immediately notice the smell. What if it’s stale or unpleasant? What if that’s what your home or office smells like on a regular basis? Between kids, pets, food, and other factors, your house can start to have a certain smell.
The VentiFresh ECO: Next Generation Odor Eliminator, now available in the AG Deals Store for just $45, can help remove those often-draining odors.
A big hit (388% funding!) on Indiegogo, the VentiFresh ECO gets rid of bad smells using the same photocatalyst tech that NASA utilizes in the International Space Station. In other words, the UV catalyst core decomposes odor through natural photosynthesis, producing clean air as a result. Indeed, this green solution does far more than mask cat litter, smelly shoes, waste bins, more — it turns it into clean, breathable air.
The VentiFresh ECO is easy to use and comes in a compact design that’s just a few inches square. Simply plug in the micro USB cable, put it in place, and choose the mode you want.
The VentiFresh ECO: Next Generation Odor Eliminator, typically $72, is on sale for just $45 in the AG Deals Store. Pick up two and save $10 in the process!
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