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6 Tech Skills All Entrepreneurs Should Learn

Today’s digital era is full of buzzwords like cloud computing, Big Data, SEO, and the like. Even if this is not your realm, you cannot ignore these concepts for long, as they penetrate all aspects of life. In such a world, no entrepreneur can be successful by turning a blind eye to the latest technologies and concepts.

There are a number of tech skills that can be helpful to startups and small enterprises. It is not necessary for entrepreneurs to be skilled-up in every area of technology. Indeed, this is virtually impossible! However, there are some tech skills that are extremely beneficial for entrepreneurs and business owners. Here are 6 key tech skills that all entrepreneurs should learn.

Social Media Marketing

Today, social media is regularly used by most of the world’s population. For entrepreneurs this represents a vast resource for marketing, human resources, and more. If Facebook were a country, it would be the most populous country in the world, with 2.7 billion active users, more than double the population of China.

For an entrepreneur, this means social media represents a huge potential for exposure for their products and services. Additionally, many social media platforms offer dedicated tools for selling your products, as well as having a vast pool of talent to recruit. With all these assets at your fingertips, developing skills in social media marketing is essential.

Digital Wallets and Online Payment Systems

Online payment systems are another area that all entrepreneurs should have at least adequate knowledge of in order to run a profitable business. Online money transactions make business operations so much faster and easier, making your business more efficient as well as more attractive to customers.

For this reason, a working knowledge of online digital wallets and payment channels such as Beepaid is mandatory even for the smallest of businesses in today’s digital world. Especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has increased our reliance on online activities of all kinds, such knowledge has become essential if you want to stay in business.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

When the entire world has gone digital, one cannot afford to go against the flow. Whatever your business or product, it is necessary to maintain an active online presence. In today’s crowded online marketplace, it can be difficult for potential customers to find you when there are more than a billion websites out there.

SEO is an essential tool that can help your website stand out in the crowd. Of course, any entrepreneur can consult an SEO specialist, so you don’t need to be an expert. However, it’s your business, and you know best what is required. Therefore, at least a basic understanding of SEO is essential so that you can decide whose advice to follow and make informed decisions.

Email Marketing

Emails are the most prominent communication channel used by businesses today. It is also an effective way of marketing for all sorts of businesses. Regular email communication is necessary to keep your customers updated and to maintain strong customer relationships.

You can also introduce your products and services to prospective customers and clients through email campaigns. This is relatively easy to do if you know how, thanks to the range of bulk email and mailing list tools available these days. With a little knowledge, you’ll be able to tap into the potential of this marketing stream.

Cloud Technology

Cloud computing has taken the world by storm in recent years. Though most people have heard of cloud technology, many are not well informed on its functions and benefits. However, you could be using cloud-based services regularly without even being aware of it. Google Drive and Dropbox are two examples of such programs widely used by businesses and individuals alike.

A growing business can reap a heap of benefits by leveraging the possibilities offered by cloud technologies such as SaaS (Software as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), which are affordable services that provide software and hardware capabilities. These can be cost-effective solutions for small businesses as you only need to pay for what you use.

Data Analytics

Data is key in the cyber world: the number of interactions and transactions online today are incomparable to any period of time in the past. Some knowledge of Data Sciences helps you to understand where you and your business stand in this vast, competitive world. The right statistics can work magic, and greatly help your business to succeed, but only if you understand the quantitative elements of data. This is the science that is conquering the world and will undoubtedly be ruling over it in the future.

Some degree of knowledge of skills such as social media, SEO, cloud computing and data is mandatory for any entrepreneur today. You is not expected to be a top expert in any of these areas. However, an awareness of their fundamentals and preferably fairly good working knowledge is necessary to survive in today’s hyper-competitive world.

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