Thanks to streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, and Hulu, we have nearly endless options for movies, TV, and other media. We take it for granted that we can easily access anything we want, but the truth is there is plenty we cannot. Unfortunately, not all content is available in all regions of the world. Geo-restrictions are a sad reality.
Thanks to services like KeepSolid SmartDNS, we can access video streaming content and many more sites, even when they are not available in your region.
KeepSolid SmartDNS doesn’t just unlock restrictions, but it does so without lags or delays. Want to watch 4K videos from other countries? No problem.
Easy to use, it works on pretty much any internet-connected device you’ve got. What’s more, there’s no limit to the number of devices you can install it on.
- Unblock the most popular video streaming services from anywhere in the world
- Get US /EU DNS servers
- Use without installation
- Easily configure SmartDNS for any internet-capable device
- Open access to all your favorite movies & TV shows without restrictions
- Use 1 account on unlimited devices
- Access a growing selection of video streaming sites globally, including American Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc.
- Unlimited traffic bandwidth: no need to worry about lags or delays of the video
- Unlimited high-speed connection
- Dedicated 24/7 support
Available in the AG Deals Store for just $39.99, you can score a lifetime account to SmartDNS. That’s one heck of a deal to be sure. Normally $20 per year, you can have it for as long as you want. Alternatively, you can purchase a one-year plan for $9.99 or a three-year plan for just $19.99.