In these strange times, many people are feeling a little anxious and distracted. With a library of soothing sounds and stories, Calmind is an iOS/web app that provides mental therapy on demand. You can currently pick up a lifetime subscription for just $69.99 — that’s 89% off the usual price.
From missing your friends to worrying about your job, there are many reasons why you might be feeling tense. Thankfully, there are proven methods for managing stress.
You can think of Calmind as your personal mental health trainer. Previously featured on Product Hunt, this app combines elements of mindfulness, binaural beats, positive CBT, and ASMR.
Whenever you are feeling anxious or struggling to concentrate, you simply open the app and put on your headphones.
Calmind delivers exactly the right audio for your mood, whether that is a dreamy soundscape or a sensory story. The app also helps you beat insomnia, with white noise and recordings of nature.
Worth $699, lifetime access is now just $69.99.
Calmind Mental Fitness App: Lifetime Subscription – $69.99See Deal
Prices subject to change
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