Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Vital Contrasts between Angular Vs. Angular JS


If you are a web developer, Angular is not a new name to you. But for the sake of those hearing the name for the first time, we will help them understand what we are talking about. Ideally, the primary contrast between angular vs angularjs  is that; for starters, the one with JS stands for JavaScript. That means, the framework is JavaScript-based and is an open-source front-end that is ideal for building single-page applications (SPAs). While the latter is an upgrade of AngularJS, which now works faster and uses TypeScript language. Let’s expound more below:


Angular JS; this framework works best on designs that have an MVC or Model View Controllers. The view will usually show the present data in the model while the controller processes the data.

Angular, rather than using MVC, Angular works with components and directives. So, we are talking of a Component having a Directive with a template.


Angular JS: As we saw above, the code of this framework is JavaScript written.

Angular: You can use several languages in Angular that include Typescript, JavaScript, Dart, and more. 

Mobile compatibility

Angular JS: Unfortunately, the developer of Angular JS did not consider mobile-friendliness.

Angular: this upgrade of Angular JS now comes with mobile-friendly applications.

There is a significant difference between Angular vs. Angular JS.


Angular JS: The increasing number of source codes makes it difficult to work on a project smoothly.

Angular: If you are planning to build larger applications, this is the framework that you need to use.It is less complicated and has a great structure that helps to create and manage the apps quickly.

Controllers and views

Angular JS: It depends on Controllers and Views.

Angular: The framework uses a component-based approach, which facilitates better code reuse, and is easily testable.

Template engine

Angular JS: It’s a framework that comes with many directives, and allows a developer to specify new custom directives. The template writing in Angular JS is HTML. If you want to make the writing dynamic, adding codes like attributes, form controllers, and filters will do.

Angular: It uses its directives differently. For instance, it will show only ngModel written as “[]” for one-way binding. For the two-way binding, you use “[()].”

Dependency Injection

Angular JS; An injector subsystem in this framework creates components as it injects dependencies. Components injected on a demand basis include services, value, factory, provider, and more.

Angular: There’s a newer and different dependency injection managed through an array of @NgModule comprising providers and declarations. It’s good to note that the registration of Dependencies and services get registered through an array of providers.

So, what are the new changes in Angular that you will appreciate?

  • It gives a smooth communication between components, unlike in AngularJS.
  • Modularity, which means most of the functionality now goes to different modules. That is great because there is now a lighter and faster core.
  • Dynamic loading leads to the asynchronous compilation and gives an added bolstering of reactive programming.

Below is a demonstration of how the changes between Angular JS Vs. Angular, occur.

Now there’s no need to use the attribute ng-app to connect the Angular App. The technology to use to accomplish the process is now known as Bootstrapping. Even the directives used to link the Angular modules cannot use the ng-app anymore. Bootstrapping has taken over.

Now you will manage your views using components instead of controllers.

Angular JS: ng-click directives in this platform enables you to specify the custom behavior whenever an element gets clicked.

Angular: There are several built-in Directives in Angular that help the developers to use them efficiently. Some of those include NgStyle Directives that change any DOM styling element, although based on specific conditions.

The three major categories of Angular directives, from the core concept, consists of;

Attribute Directives; They manipulate the behavior and appearance of DOM elements.

Structural Directives; They can add or remove the element from the DOM while changing its structure.

Components; what makes the Component different from other directives, is a template. So, we can say that Components, in other words, are directives with templates.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a prominent framework that can build dynamic apps and web pages, look no further. After running through the difference between AngularJS vs. Angular, it’s apparent that they make a top developer’s choice. You will choose either framework, depending on the size of your project.

Author Bio

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at, He is an Award Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

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