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Step into the wonderful world of audiobooks with a free Audible subscription

Keen to listen to great stories rather than watch them? There’s still time to snag a one-month free trial of Audible with absolutely no risk or commitment involved. The service gives you one free audiobook to get started along with access to select Audible Originals. It’s the perfect opportunity to lose yourself in a great story entirely for free.

If you’ve never listened to an audiobook before, they’re a fantastic way to stay entertained while you’re stuck at home. Whether you’re cooking dinner or doing housework, they can keep you suitably distracted while completing daily chores. They’re also a great way to relax while you’re out on a walk getting some fresh air or even while you’re working out. Rather than watching the latest TV show on Netflix, you can lose yourself without having to pay any visual attention. It’s ideal for multi-tasking but we won’t blame you if you end up concentrating on the story.

With an Audible free trial, you can choose one free audiobook of your choice. Don’t like it? No sweat. You can swap it out for something else. You also get access to select Audible Originals with some great unique choices here that you can’t get elsewhere. Audible offers a wide wealth of content from New York Times bestseller, Where the Crawdads Sing, to non-fiction like Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime and Michelle Obama’s Becoming.

It also offers exclusive guided wellness programs which is great during stressful times.

There’s absolutely no risk to the trial right down to Amazon even emailing you seven days before your trial ends so you have an opportunity to either cancel it and pay absolutely nothing or let it renew and pay $15 per month for future months.

You can listen to Audible via most devices including all iOS and Android devices, Sonos, Kindle, and all Alexa-enabled tech so you won’t have to worry about losing your progress. It’ll even pick up right where you left off, making it ideal for those of us who use multiple different gadgets each day.

Grab your favorite new story today. We reckon you’re really going to enjoy a different form of storytelling and gain some relief from constant binge-watching.

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