WhatsApp recently pushed an update to Beta testers that lets users add each other via QR codes. This saves people the trouble of sending phone numbers and makes the process of adding people much simpler. The feature is also found in popular apps like Instagram, Messenger, and Snapchat, so if you’ve used those apps before, the process is the same.
WhatsApp QR Codes – Making contacts easier than before
With the addition of WhatsApp QR code, you just need to send your QR code or scan another person’s code to add them instantly. When you add someone from a different country, you needed to include the + with their region area code and phone number, and add them as a contact.
The new process makes sharing a QR code a cinch and also scanning a QR code is easier. If you’re savvy enough, you can also make it a part of your personal website, visiting card or other places for people to add you instantly.
With all that said, let us get into how to do it.
Pre-requisite: The only real pre-requisite needed here is to make sure you are in the WhatsApp beta program. As of the time of writing this post, the beta program is full, so you will have to wait for it to open if you aren’t in it already.
Step 1
Open up WhatsApp and tap the 3 dots at the top right of the app.
Next, choose Settings.
Step 2
Look to the far right of your name and status for a small QR code icon. Tap on it.
This will generate your curated QR code for your number, ready for sharing and scanning. You can take a screenshot of this page and share it with someone or wherever you wish.
Step 3
To scan a QR code simply swipe to the right and you can now scan the QR code by pointing the camera at the screen of the person’s phone or wherever the QR code could be hosted (online, WhatsApp Web, etc.)
You can also add the QR code without the camera by searching for the image via the gallery.
Simply press the gallery button at the bottom left of the Scan Code screen and search for the image shown in step 2. Which shows the QR code in the image.
As long as the compatible WhatsApp QR code is placed on the image, you can directly add the contact using a saved image as well.
With that added, you can now repeat the process for all the contacts you meet. The feature should go live for all users very soon but for now its a feature exclusive to the Beta users.
This will make sharing contact information easy and swift. Especially in places like business events, parties, etc.
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