What are the best Android RPGs?
Role-playing games are wonderful, story-driven experiences that complement the mobile gaming experience nicely. Despite the relatively tiny mobile screens we’re used to (yes, 5.7 inches is still small by gaming standards) RPGs allow us to get lost in fanciful worlds for a while.
In the case of some games, especially those ported over from PC, that “while” could be 20 or 30 hours! This makes the best RPGs worth their price in the Google Play Store. There are some duds in there, so we’ve hand-picked the best of the best to save you the trouble of digging.
If you’re looking for more than just RPGs, be sure to check out our roundup of the best Android games of the year!
- BattleChaser: NightWar
- Final Fantasy
- Chrono Trigger
- Evoland and Evoland 2
- Arcane Quest 3
- Crashlands
- Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn
- The Bard’s Tale
- Pocket Mortys
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Dragon Quest VIII
- Dungeon Hunter 5
BattleChasers: NightWar
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FrP_KASEwE?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
BattleChasers: NightWar is an award-winning JRPG that offers one of the most complete mobile RPG experience you’ll play in 2019 — and that’s complete in the sense that there’s no in-app purchases or paid DLC to worry about. Hallelujah!
Everything about this game is polished and complete, and it starts with a robust overworld that’s filled with hidden dungeons to explore, epic bosses to take down, and other surprises along the way.
The turn-based combat is inspired by all the favorites you remember from the JRPG genre and is a real treat even for a casual fan like myself. Along with the dense and sprawling world to explore that’s teeming with enemies to do battle with, there’s also deep crafting elements as well for upgrading your team’s weapons, armors, and magical jewelry. An RPG is only as good as its story and characters, and given that this game is based on a graphic novel of the same name we’re given fully developed characters and a compelling story.
The main character of the story a young girl named Gully who is on a quest to find her father, Aramus, a renown hero who left behind powerful gauntlets before mysteriously disappearing, gauntlets that his daughter now makes use of in her own epic adventure.
Gully is joined by a supporting cast that includes Knowlan the wise old mage who always travels with Calibretto, an ancient war golem built for battle that developed his own sentience and emotions but who can still kick ass in battle to defend his friends.
There’s Garrison, a paladin who was friends with Aramus and feels compelled to protect Gully along her journey and lastly Red Monika, a rogue outlaw who manages to toe the line between good and evil. This game is definitely worth checking out if you’re a fan of either BattleChasers or simply looking for a new JRPG to dive into.
Download: BattleChasers: NightWar ($9.99)
Final Fantasy
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mludwajkAZY?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
One of the most beloved RPG sagas is on mobile in the form of 12 Final Fantasy games:
- Final Fantasy
- Final Fantasy II
- Final Fantasy III
- Final Fantasy IV
- Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
- Final Fantasy V
- Final Fantasy VI
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy Dimensions
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
If you have any love in your heart for the series, then you’ll definitely want at least one of these titles on your phone or tablet. Play your way through the entire sci-fi/fantasy saga if you want to and help Cloud stop Sephiroth, help Cecil stop Golbez, and help defeat Queen Brahne alongside Zidane.
Most of the adventures and a few spin-offs are there for you to spend hours and hours with, which makes them worth the cash (they can be as much as $20.99!). Just note that these games can take up a LOT of space, like upwards of 2 gigs. That being said, you’re getting the full game with all of these, so 2GB doesn’t really seem all the huge. You may have seen ads for Final Fantasy XV, but do note that game was not directly developed by Square Enix and is full of pay-to-win mechanics.
Whether you’re up for medieval fantasy or futuristic sci-fi action, Final Fantasy has something for everyone, easily making them some of the best RPGs around for Android or any platform for that matter!
Download: Final Fantasy (Free-$20.99)
Chrono Trigger
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjdqYBQgwsI?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
Chrono Trigger is another legendary RPG developed by Square Enix for the Super Nintendo that’s been celebrated for its fantastic storytelling, gorgeous 16-bit graphics, and still holds up as one of the best video games of all time.
The game and gameplay itself have been preserved here while upgrading some of the visuals and sound in it’s porting over to Android. Admittedly this is going to be a bit jarring for hardcore fans of the game as this is not an emulated SNES ROM but rather a standalone game that’s been optimized for mobile gaming with touch controls set by default and support for Bluetooth controllers. You’re also now able to play this game offline making it a great travel companion for a long plane ride.
If you’ve never played Chrono Trigger before this game is absolutely worth your time and money. It’s a game full of mystery, adventure, and action with a riveting story that is just so satisfying.
Download: Chrono Trigger ($9.99)
Evoland and Evoland 2
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSaxCci1WUM?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
Evoland isn’t the most original game of all time, borrowing elements from the Legend of Zelda, Diablo, and Final Fantasy to create a classic RPG adventure that might be a bit of a knock-off, but it’s as fun as any of the originals, and there’s a damn-good reason for its pilfering of the classics.
This game is all about the evolution of video games, starting you off with monochrome graphics and a 2D character. As you progress, you unlock new technologies and new graphics until you reach the modern, 3D/HD age.
Your sort of meta-journey is punctuated by references to classic RPGs and movies, so keep a sharp eye out and enjoy the Easter eggs thrown in as you battle and loot and level up.
If you love RPGs, no matter when they were made, then you’ll love Evoland and the sequel Evoland 2 which expands on the meta-narrative journey through video game history.
Download: Evoland ($0.99)
Download: Evoland 2 ($5.99)
Arcane Quest 3
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYmlyHE3gyI?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
Arcane Quest 3 is a mobile RPG game for fans of classic tabletop games. It’s a turn-based RPG that mixes adventure, role-playing, and strategy elements to tell an epic story of revenge and redemption. You create your adventurer from your choice of 10 unique classes as you battle hordes of orcs and other undead enemies as you fight to restore the honor of your guild and save your people.
On top of the main storyline, there are real-time multiplayer quests so you can team up with your friends and other players from around the world and unlock fantastic rewards. There’s also a quest editor that lets you create, publish, and share your custom-made quests, as well as options to play quests created by other players.
There are hours of gameplay to be had there that’s sure to please the hardcore RPG gamer and all without implementing a pay-to-win mechanic. Definitely worth checking out for any RPG fans looking for a new time sink!
Download: Arcane Quest 3 (Free w/ IAPs)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5M6qTEtsSQ?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
Butterscotch Shenanigans makes some quirky and hilarious games and Crashlands is no exception. In what might be the funniest mobile RPG to date, you play as Flux Dabes, a space trucker who’s forced to crash-land (get it?) on an alien planet thanks to an alien jerk named Hewgodooko.
As you try to survive on this strange planet, you must craft your way through repairing your ship, build bases, tame wildlife to be your pets, and fight the locals while crafting weapons and items from their corpses (it sounds morbid, but it’s great).
If you love witty dialogue, a fun story, quirky games, and crafting over 468 items, then you should be playing Crashlands.
Download: Crashlands ($4.99)
Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bHwTDl231A?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
If you’re a D&D fan, then you’re going to want the Baldur’s Gate games on your phone ASAP. They use a modified version of the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition rules and the original Baldur’s Gate was credited with the computer RPG renaissance in 1998.
These are your classic fantasy games, wherein you start off knowing only the walls of the castle in which you were born but are thrust into a war-torn world under mysterious circumstances. Venture off and take on mythical creatures, as well as real ones (like rats!)
If you like a good old fashioned romp around a medieval realm, clearing dungeons and slaying beasts, all while creating potions and bettering your character, then the Baldur’s Gate games should be right up your alley.
Download: Baldur’s Gate ($9.99, with in-app purchases)
Download: Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn ($9.99, with in-app purchases)
Pocket Mortys
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7a1Nd_0d1U?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
Like Pokémon? Love Rick and Morty? Does the Pope have lips? Is a chicken Catholic? At their core, the original Pokémon games were glorious RPGs and Pocket Mortys is about as close as you can get to (legally) playing the classic Pokémon games on your phone. (Yeah, Pokémon Go is a thing, but it’s just not the same!)
You get to control Rick, who’s just doing science in his garage when Mysterious Rick comes through a portal and challenges him to a Morty battle. After, Rick goes through the portal to the Council of Ricks, who confiscate his portal gun.
To get it back, you have to defeat the six Ricks sitting on the council, but before you can battle them, you must battle the Ricks from other dimensions and claim their badges. After all that’s through, you have to go and capture every type of Morty.
This is probably the most twisted take on Pokémon you’ll come across, but it’s fun and branded with the cartoon’s signature humor, making it a game that just makes you wanna get schwifty.
Download Pocket Mortys and SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT.
Download: Pocket Mortys (Free, with in-app purchases)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmP-_LFTyFo?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
This is the full K.O.T.O.R. experience, so if you’re a Star Wars fan, this is definitely the mobile game you’re looking for. It’s a huge download, at 2.4GB, but you get all the force-wielding, lightsaber-swinging, Republic-saving goodness that the console games dazzled us with.
You get to choose your party from nine types of characters, travel to eight planets on the Ebon Hawk, and learn to use the Force, including over 40 powers. You also get to build your own lightsaber!
Knights of the Republic is the epitome of a classic Star Wars RPG and this port is totally worth the cash. This game even supports controllers if you prefer to play that way. As the Jedi’s last hope, you decide the fate of the galaxy as you battle your way to becoming a hero or falling to the temptation of the Dark Side.
You decide!
Download: Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic ($9.99)
Dragon Quest
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZMb5GGzaNo?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
Possibly the most popular game in the Dragon Quest series, Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King is available for Android in all its cell-shaded beauty. It was the first widely released Dragon Quest title, being the first to hit the PAL region and the first to be called Dragon Quest in North America, where it was always called Dragon Warrior. (You can check out the earlier Dragon Quest games on Android as well)
In this version, you play as the Hero, a Trodain guard, who embarks on a quest to reclaim a stolen scepter from the evil court jester, Dhoulmagus, who has cursed Trodain castle, turning the king into a troll, the princess into a horse, and everyone else into plants.
This is the full PS2 game, so it’s 1.4GB, taking up quite a bit of space on your phone. But you get everything the original has to offer: epic, turn-based battles, crafting via the Alchemy Pot, and classic fantasy, presented in a gorgeous 3D anime style. If you loved Dragon Quest VIII on PS2, you’ll love it on Android too.
Download: Dragon Quest VIII ($19.99)
Eternium Mage and Minions
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3089fp-Tnpk?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
Claiming to be the first RPG truly designed for controls, Mage and Minions is an excellent fantasy RPG that really does feel great to play. The controls are smooth and make sense to the mobile experience and the gameplay is fun and immersive.
You and your party are off on a quest to prevent Ragadam from taking over the world and ultimately destroying it, all the while battling skeletons and demons, collecting loot, crafting items and weapons, and casting spells to get the job done. The spell-casting controls are particularly cool, since you have to draw symbols on your screen to summon different spells.
If you’re looking for an RPG experience similar to dungeon crawlers like Diablo that was truly meant for mobile, then indulge in Eternium Mage and Minions.
Download: Mage and Minions (Free, with in-app purchases)
Dungeon Hunter 5
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78QKG6YGjkg?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
This is one of the deepest RPGs on this list, featuring a story mode, an online mode, and co-op mode wherein you hack and slash your way through dungeons, all the while leveling up and unlocking new weapons, armor, and other upgrades you can craft to create even stronger weapons.
This game is HUGE. The initial download is 33MB, but you’ll eventually be downloading gigs of data, since there are over 900 weapons to wield and hundreds of different spells and skills to acquire.
While online, you get to develop your own dungeons where your precious loot resides, defended by minions that you recruit and craft from Minion Shards. As an added defense, you get to build Trap Rooms within your dungeons in order to thwart those that might steal your treasure. Just be careful; you’ll likely be on the receiving end fairly often!
Dungeon Hunter 5 is a big, immersive, versatile RPG that sucks you in and before you know it, it’s the year 2100 and you’re a pile of dust, still battling your way to herodom or riches (because apparently heroes don’t get paid).
If you’re looking for an awesome free RPG that you can play until Ragnarok, then dive into Dungeon Hunter 5 and definitely keep an eye on your data usage!
Download: Dungeon Hunter 5 (Free, with in-app purchases)
Did we miss anything?
What’s your favorite RPG for Android? Did it make our list? Sound off in the comments below!