Friday, April 19, 2024

Make your toll-free number more interesting – Here is how?


There was a time when people used to face a tough time remembering phone numbers of service providers. With multiple digits and no set pattern, remembering contact numbers was nothing but a headache. Then, easy-to-recall numbers and virtual phone system – which we consider as brands’ numbers mostly – came to change the face of communication for once and all. A product of the same technology revolution, the toll-free number is the cult these days. 

Since their inception in 1967, these special phone numbers are making the life of both customers and businesses, easy and less strenuous at various verticals.  They are three-digit numbers with prefixes such as 800, 880, 887, 866, 877, 833, and so on. 

While customers are delighted after being free from call incurring charges, business swears by its viability in their ecosystem. It helps a business to boost its customer reach, reduce operation costs and pump up the sales. It is believed that if a business ad features a toll-free number, then it can experience a 30% hike in the orders. Plus, it makes the business more presentable and professional. 

With such commendable service deliverance, a toll-free number has become the spine of the businesses. Have you ever imagined that it can be more interesting and result-oriented? 

Yes, it is possible that your toll-free number is more productive and helpful, only if you buy a vanity number. 

The power of vanity numbers 

Practically speaking, vanity numbers are the same as toll-free numbers. The only difference is that they have words prefixes instead of digit prefix. These word prefixes are customizable and reflect the kind of product/service you are selling. For example, you can own a 1-800- FLOWER vanity number for your flower shop business. Now, with such VoIP phone numbers, customers know to whom they are contacting and comprehend the brand identity in a better way. 

The allure of a vanity phone number is more than this. Instead of digit prefixes, word prefixes are easier to remember and there is a specific reason behind it. As per the cognitive neuroscientist, when a person tries to remember what they see or hear, they use their working memory. Working memory refers to the voice inside your head. During remembering, any sort of distraction such as the sound of a horn on the road, a crying baby nearby, or a barking dog can distract you. 

With such omnipresent distractions, remembering digit number is not easy. You can forget the sequence. However, if you could attach a picture or some other meaningful data with that in your brain, then it stays in your memory for a long time.

This is what exactly happens with vanity phone numbers. You associate the phone number with the service and it stays with you for a longer time. That explains why around 58% of customers want to see a vanity number on the advertisement as they get information about the business and can remember it without much effort. 

Additionally, businesses can unbind themselves from the need for changing the area codes of phone numbers each time they change the location. Globalization is the real thing and it’s not limited to big guns only. Many small businesses are exploring the global market without any inhibitions. In that scenario, they want a virtual phone system that should work without any geographical restrictions. 

This is exactly what a vanity number does. 

They work independently without any local area code requirement. Today, everyone works in digital space and pays attention to professionalism. So, stop worrying about local area code changes, international calling expenses, and start exploring global opportunities with your old-gold vanity number. 

The art of picking up the vanity number 

By now, we all agree on the fact that vanity numbers have immense power and impact. However, its power lies in choosing it wisely. Picking up the right vanity number for your VoIP phone numbers’ system is an art which has below mentioned key aspects –

  • A complete no to “Hybrid Numbers” 

 To look extraordinary, some businesses use hybrid numbers such as 1-800- 643- PETS. It is too cumbersome to remember and your customers will fail to remember it. Instead, you can use 1-800- PETS-FOOD which is easy to memorize.

  • Don’t add company name unless you are a brand

 If Nike is using 1-800-NIKE then it seems perfect as people already know what Nike sells. But, if a small clothing line with the name Mantra is using 1-800- MANTRA then customers will not be able to comprehend what exactly the company sells. So, in that case, reflect your specialty, not company name. 

Apart from product quality and service deliverance, a virtual phone system is, what businesses need to gain significance in the fierce market. So, make sure your contact number is interesting, reflect your brand identity, and easy to memorize. Well, a vanity number does it all.  

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