[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAX-TmjURSM?modestbranding=0&html5=1&rel=0&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque&loop=0&controls=1&autohide=0&showinfo=0&theme=dark&color=red&enablejsapi=1]
What you need to know
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer looks great.
- If you pre-order the game you can get early access to the Beta on September 12, 2019.
- The open Beta starts two days after the early access on September 14, for PlayStation 4
- Other platforms will follow afterward.
Today Activision gave us our first look at the multiplayer component of its upcoming installment Call of Duty, simply called Modern Warfare. There is a lot to unpack and we will be giving you a detailed look soon. Activision also announced the start of the Open Beta for Modern Warfare and it’s coming to PlayStation 4 first!
As you can see from the picture below, the open beta itself starts on September 14 for PlayStation 4 users with a chance for you to play on September 12 if you pre-order the game. There’s no word on when the beta starts for other platforms or if the beta will be cross-play when they do arrive, but with the early access here on PS4 you can get a leg up on working on your K/D ratio.
There is a lot of changes coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, especially in the multiplayer. Gunsmithing options allow you to change your guns to an insane degree, while the new 2v2 match mode looks to be incredibly good fun. The game itself arrives on October 25, 2019, so I’m glad that the beta will be here so much earlier.
What are you looking forward to in multiplayer for Modern Warfare? We want to know how you feel.
Rebooted classic
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
$60 Pre-order at Amazon
Make the old new again.
Infinity Ward has gone back to the beginning of the Modern Warfare series, but they aren’t doing a remake. This new game will have a completely new single-player storyline with some of the original characters. It’s a reboot rather than a remake