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6 Major Benefits of Guest Blogging


Guest Blogging as a digital marketing strategy is quietly becoming a potent one. This strategy is being adopted by almost all brands, both big and small.

The benefits of guest blogging has catapulted it to being one of the top digital marketing services that a SEO Company can provide. It forms part of the Off-Page Optimization for SEO. Guest Blogging is also a critical strategy when it comes to building backlinks for your website.

If you are looking on ways to reach newer audiences and improve your search rankings, Guest Blogging is the strategy for you. By creating quality content and requesting industry authority publishers to publish it, you contribute to your reputation building in a major way.

In this article, we look at the top Six Major Benefits of Guest Blogging for your brand.

Guest Blogging: Meaning and Definition

Guest Blogging or Guest Posting (the same thing), is the process of creating content that is published on someone else’s website. You might want to ask me that content being such an important determinant, why should you take all the efforts, only for someone else’s site to benefit from it.

This is a valid question; one that routinely comes up when individuals and brands are introduced to guest blogging. The benefits of your content on a different website, far outweighs the importance of keeping it for yourself. In other words, your content will be the driving force that will make audiences move from the host website to your website.

The importance of quality content for any digital marketing strategy cannot be emphasized enough. For a blogger outreach strategy, content is of paramount importance. Great content will help you get far better acceptance rates from publishers than low quality content.

Good content will also be your safety valve, if there are certain penalties from Google for paid blogger outreach services. The important thing to remember is that, quality content improves the ROI if any digital marketing strategy.

6 Major Benefits of Guest Blogging: The List

  1. Access to Newer Audiences and More Traffic-

While many individuals and agencies prioritise guest blogging as a form of link building and improving search rankings, I rank website traffic higher.

This is also because Google expects us to approach strategies like blogger outreach and guest posting with the intention of getting traffic. For Google, website traffic is a key determinant of SEO metrics.

By having a robust guest blogging strategy, you will be able to attract audiences in your industry niche. This will help you increase traffic flows and improve metrics at the same time.

  • Improved SEO Metrics and Search Rankings-

There is no denying the fact that link building through guest blogging helps improve SEO metrics and climb the search pages. This is the core intention for almost 80% of all brands and digital marketing agencies.

Even though this understanding is slightly skewed, guest blogging has emerged as one of the top ways to build backlinks for your website. However, you need to pay attention to the fact that relevancy is always maintained.

The content of guest posting should be relevant to the site you are publishing on, and to your own platform as well.

  • Establishes you as an Industry Authority Voice-

Guest Blogging is one of the best ways for building your brand’s credibility. The aim is to highlight your brand on several different platforms as a source of credible and useful information.

When people see links on good industry sites, they believe that the link is there to add value to the content. This is also how Google sees backlinks- as recommendations from host websites to your website.

By working with good publishers in your industry niche, you can build your reputation as an industry authority voice within a period of one year. If you want to shorten the process, you can hire some excellent digital agencies, which offer guest blogging services.

  • Lead Generations and Sales Conversions-

No discipline remains the same over a period. It changes, evolves and adapts to growing needs and demands. Similarly, guest blogging was meant to be beneficial towards attracting traffic and improving search results.

However, in 2019, guest blogging is slowly emerging as a credible platform for hot lead generations and actual sales conversions. The only issue that you need to keep in mind is that the host platform should be relevant to your industry.

For example, if you are a brand, which manufactures kitchen equipment and are looking to make sales for your newest ‘oven’, you can publish your content on a home or cooking related website. You can place a link that goes straight to your website’s Landing Page or Query Page. This will help you gain good leads and make definite sales from guest blogging.

  • Branding and Awareness-

No one wants to be pushed products or services all the time. This is why your guest blogging strategy should try to stay away from pushing too much product. On the other hand, you can always push credible information.

People on the internet are always looking for information. By aligning your content with what people are looking for, you can increase your branding and exposure.

Building a brand and a story telling narrative will automatically lead you to more sales and increased revenues. However, the same cannot be said in the opposite fashion.

  • Build a Community and Network-

Your constant aim through guest blogging should be to become part of a community. When I mention a community, I mean publishers, bloggers, audiences, readers of a particular industry. Every business or digital marketing strategy works best in an eco-system.

For a brand, being a part of that eco-system will automatically lead to everything- more traffic, more sales and more credibility. Once you have established yourself, you can also take constructive feedback on how you can improve your brand from people actually using it.

Networking through the community is always a good option. Once you are familiar with the processes, you will see that almost every brand is a part of some digital eco-system.


Even though guest blogging offers major benefits, it is still one of the most difficult digital marketing strategies to execute. However, if you do not want to do guest blogging manually, you can always take expert help from digital agencies that offer guest blogging services.

By keeping the right intentions and building a community, you will be able to get the best out of your guest blogging strategy.

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