Friday, April 19, 2024

The 10 most stylish iPhone X cases


10 Best iPhone X Cases to Keep Your New Device Safe and Stylish | The Manual
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10 Best iPhone X Cases to Keep Your New Device Safe and Stylish

best iphone x case

If the iPhone X was in your stocking, then you had better get an iPhone X case. Gone are the days when you could rock your iPhone without a case because a) you should protect your investment — this phone isn’t cheap — and b) choosing not to shows a lack of good judgment to your friends and colleagues.

Good news for you: There are already a variety of cases out there to fit your style. Even better news: We at The Manual pulled together a list of the best iPhone X cases.

For the Slim and Strong: OtterBox Symmetry Series – $26

best iphone x case otterbox
This case is a great option that provides higher-than-average protection for your iPhone with minimal bulk, all at a reasonable price. It absorbs shocks and has raised edges to help protect your screen — which is now bigger than ever. With color options from fine port (aka dark red) to clear to regular ol’ black, there is something for everyone.

See It

For Elegant Protection: Grovemade Minimalist Cases – $59-plus

best iphone x case grovemade

Grovemade brings us a case with an aluminum frame, a shock resistant bumper, and an attractive walnut backing. This lightweight frame mixes functionality and looks to cover all of your bases — not to mention the company hails from The Manual’s hometown of Portland, Oregon.

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For More Padding: Speck Presidio Ultra – $50

best iphone x case speck ultra

Looking for additional protection and willing to add just a little bit of bulk? Check out the this ultra-sturdy iPhone case. Sporting four layers of protection, this case can cushion your phone for drops up to 15 feet, according to Speck.

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For a Cash/Call Combo: Silk Wallet Case – $25

best iphone x case silk wallet

With a fashionable card slot that holds up to three cards or cash, this case provides both protection and efficiency for your daily, on-hand accessories. The phone comes in a sophisticated blue, black or red. The best part? The price tag is light on the wallet.

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For a Classic Wallet Case: Lumion Slim Wallet – $17

best iphone x case lumion wallet

This vintage leather case (that isn’t actually leather) has a cover to protect your screen, which also holds three card slots and a pocket to carry extra cards, cash, and any other slim items you want to keep handy. Choose between brown and black to match with your belt and Clarks.

See It

For the Future: Lumion Hybrid Case – $20

best iphone x case lumion futuristic

The futuristic-looking Hybrid case from Lumion provides looks, protection, and a hidden compartment to store cash and cards. All exposed areas — including the screen, camera, and cut outs — are shielded by raised edges and a dual protective layer for shock protection. With a bunch of different color options to choose from, including a neon orange that brings to mind the movie Chappie, this case will definitely catch some attention from your peers.

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For Your Bike or Hike: Armor-X Shockproof Rugged Case –$30

best iphone x case armorx

Armor-X offers an iPhone X case with a built-in system — complete with clip and carabiner — that can attach to 40 different mounts. Incorporate your phone’s GPS or a fitness app when you jump on your bike, motorcycle, or snow mobile (or simply go for a run). Additional mounts allow for ease of use in cars, in the office, or just about anywhere you can go.

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For the Minimalist: Tozo Clear Gel Skin – $10

best iphone x case tozo

If you don’t want something bulky first place, this is the choice for you. This gel case provides decent protection with covered corners and a raised edge to protect the screen. It’s also thin and see-through, so it’s almost like it’s not even there!

See It

For a Power Up: ZeroLemon SlimJuicer – $4o

best iphone x case zero lemon

This bad boy is a protective case and portable phone charger all in one. The SlimJuicer can provide one full recharge for your iPhone X. Note that it adds 4.4 oz to your phone’s overall weight, which is worth its weight in gold if you rely on your phone for business, life, or gaming.

See It

For the OG: Apple’s Leather Case – $49

best iphone x case apple

If you want to stick with the folks that started it all, you can always go with a case from Apple. The company offers a simple design with multiple color options, and (of course) an apple logo on the back. With European leather, machined aluminum buttons, and a snug fit, this case looks good.

See It

Regardless of which case you decide on, you’ll be happy that you got one — especially after that first drop as you walk out of the Apple store. Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry … even if it’s just in case.

Want more options? Our brother site, Digital Trends, has rounded up their top picks for iPhone X cases, and their list of the best iPhone 8 cases might also inspire you.

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