Sunday, September 15, 2024

Roadmap of Android Marshmallow updates for Samsung devices has been leaked


Samsung has always been sheepish when it comes to revealing when their devices will get software updates, so the responsibility of informing the masses usually falls to leaked information, as it has this time. In a leaked Samsung document, the roadmap for Android Marshmallow updates for Samsung devices has been revealed, including at what state their approval (presumably with Google) is at. Predictably, Samsung’s latest devices like the Note 5 and S6 Edge+ will be the first to be updated with the cutoff for updates sitting around the Galaxy S5 and the Galaxy Alpha.

Android Marshmallow updates for Samsung devicesPerhaps excitingly for Samsung owners, the dates listed are quite soon with the Note 5 and S6 Edge+ updates due for rollout in December of this year. Of course, the speed of the rollout will depend no what region you are in and is further affected if your device has carrier software on it as well. The document also details a second phase of updates which will be coming to Samsung’s Galaxy A and Galaxy E range of mid-range devices, though the timetable for this is unclear, and presumably Samsung can still change these plans on a dime. A third phase is also referred to, but that seems even less likely.

What do you think about Samsung’s roadmap for Android Marshmallow updates for Samsung devices? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Times News via Phone Arena


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