Friday, April 19, 2024

Get real-time rain, snow and lightning alerts from the updated Weather Channel app


The Weather Channel (1)

Choosing the perfect weather app to suit your specific needs is a subjective topic, some of us want or need up-to-the-minute updates while some are satisfied with a basic overview of the day’s forecast.  A weather app that can fulfil both these requirements is The Weather Channel app which has just received an update that brings a couple of new features.

The new features include:

  • Real-Time Rain and Snow: Users can set up alerts for exact, to-the-minute timing of when rain or snow will start based on their GPS location. The alert also provides an exact duration of how long the rain or snow will last, so users can plan for the next two hours.
  • Lightning Strike: The new lightning map layer provides real-time alerts for when lightning strikes near a user’s GPS location so they can stay out of the path of the storm.

The update is available via the Google Play Store. If you haven’t installed The Weather Channel app yet, just click the Play Store link below or scan the QR code with your device.


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Google Play Store Get it Here

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