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Super BoxMan App Review

Super BoxMan is a game from BigMoth Studios that puts you as a small box that has to dodge walls that come down at you from above by moving left and right across the screen to make it through the space in the walls. A good concept with an addictive quality, unfortunately there are a few issues that make the game more frustrating than playable.

To be honest, I’m not a huge mobile gamer. Generally when it comes to games I download they’re the pick up and play games, or puzzle games. Games that I can put down at a moment’s notice, but also play for hours if I let myself. This game fits in this category though, making it a good time killer while waiting in line at Starbucks. However, I think that because I don’t regularly play mobile games, this game is harder than it might be for hardcore mobile gamers. That being said, I enjoy playing on my Xbox and computer, so by no means am I alien to hand-eye coordination.

So when I opened this game, and tapped my way through the somewhat confusing menu (Just keep tapping, and you’ll be in the game soon enough) and started to play, I was immediately thrown by a few things. First of all, the controls are really sensitive. All you do is simply tap and hold the left or right side of the screen to get your BoxMan to move to the respective side. But he goes flying across that screen! Also, the colors of the entire game change at a constant rate, from red to green to blue to purple and so on. This would not be so bad, and even be a great distraction to achieving your goal, if it weren’t for the fact that the screen also constantly zooms in and out. This makes for a headache of a game to play, and should probably include a warning for those prone to seizures.

After getting used to those things though, the game does become quite addictive, with the desire to get just a little farther strong enough to tap “Retry” several times. That is, until you need to put the game down to take some Advil.

To recap: great playability in terms of the game’s addictive quality and concept, OK controls that take some time to adjust to due to their sensitivity, and bad graphics not in terms of looks per se (as I believe they purposefully go for a pixelated look) but rather in terms of the constant zooming in and out and color changing combination.

I recommend downloading it to see if you like it and can get past these issues. Just have a bottle of Advil nearby.


Super BoxMan (Playboard) | Super BoxMan (Play Store)

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The post Super BoxMan App Review appeared first on AndroidGuys.
