The U.S. Apple Store has gone offline in preparation of the launch of online sales for the iPhone 5s. The iPhone 5s is Apple’s new top-end iPhone which incorporates the faster A7 processor, camera improvements and a fingerprint sensor.
Southpoint Mall in Durham, NC
Lines have started to form at stores across the country. While the the LA Times claims that lines are “noticeably shorter or nonexistent” as compared to previous launches, CNet reports there were healthy lines internationally.
Supply for the new iPhone appears to be tight with international stores selling out relatively quickly. Apple didn’t offer pre-orders for the iPhone 5s, so both online and retail sales begin today.
A few reports from U.S. readers in line also indicate very little stock of White and Gold devices. One reader RiderXTC at the Clarendon, VA store indicates that there is a two device per person limit, and White and Gold devices were all claimed quickly:
An Apple employee just came out and asked everyone in line which color, carrier, and size they desired. After getting to the third person, there are no more gold/white or silver/white in any size for any carrier.
The iPhone 5c will also go on sale at retail stores on Friday, September 20th. Retail sales will begin at 8am local time, while online sales will kick off at 12:01am Pacific time.
Update: Mac4Ever has a gallery of long lines for the iPhone 5s launch in France.