What is the best part of a new Google Nexus device? Well, the device itself, the stock experience and the quick OS updates. Beyond that though, if you happen to be a developer, is getting your hands a little dirty and tweaking things. Having all the code and files you need to rescue your device from an early grave doesn’t hurt either.
Along with the release of the 2013 Nexus 7 today on the Play Store, comes the good news that the factory image, binaries and AOSP code are also available. Hey, you guys have to do something while you wait on the shipment to arrive, right? We will keep this short and brief and just point you in the direction of the files.
Nexus 7 LTE 2013 Android 4.3 JLS36C Factory Image
Nexus 7 LTE 2013 Android 4.3 JLS36C Binaries
Nexus 7 LTE 2013 Android 4.3 JLS36C Git AOSP
Via Android Geeks