My article yesterday on headless apps sparked up quite the discussion. At the time I’m writing this the blog has accumulated nearly 500 comments and yes, I’ve read each and every one of them. Rather than attempt to reply throughout the comments I thought it would be better to address as much as I could in a singular post.
First off, I stand by my original article. That being said I think some clarification on a few points is in order. I did speak to many developer before writing the article and read posts made on the official BlackBerry developer forum. I don’t claim to speak for all developers and I do apologize to any developers that may have interpreted that I was speaking as a collective for the entire developer community. After my article went live I received a ton of feedback not only from the comments, twitter, BBM and email – both positive and negative. The overwhelming feedback I personally received from other developers was positive and appreciative of speaking out against the shortcomings of headless applications. I wasn’t speaking of what is going to come in the future, I am basing it on what is available right now. People are getting tired of waiting….