This week might be all about iOS 7 and the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c, but somewhere in the background BBM for iOS may finally appear too. The latest rumors suggest before the week is out, BlackBerry’s messaging service may finally go cross platform following a launch event in Jakarta, Indonesia. Chris Parsons at CrackBerry writes:
The latest rumor has the event pegged for Sept. 20th in Jakarta and even has an official looking invite to go along with it. However, we’re not posting this information solely based on that. We’ve received quite a few emails that do suggest the date is correct
Following the launch event, BBM for iOS is said to be appearing in the App Store around the world at 12:01am local time on Saturday September 21. Hopefully this time it all pans out, and we can put the speculation to rest once and for all. Meanwhile; anyone still excited for this, or has the moment passed?
Update: No longer a rumor, it’s now official. BBM will be launching on Android and iOS on September 22. Read the full press release at the link below.
Source: BlackBerry