A few days ago we told you BlackBerry updated all the development SDKs to version 10.2 Beta and along with new coding features, the Cascades developing environment (Momentics) got a major overhaul. It features a more streamlined toolbar, better design preview performance, and a bunch of other goodies. So I thought this would be a good time create a video walkthrough of not only the new features of Momentics but a complete overview of the environment.
During the first Weekend Coder post, Hello World, I showed how to create your first app in Cascades. However, I didn’t show much of the interface, toolbars, etc of Momentics. Some of you were probably wondering why and even asked in the comments. I did that on purpose because I knew Momentics was going to get an overhaul in this update. Now that I’ve had a chance play around with the update, I (and indirectly you) am glad I waited because it brings some nice new features and really cleans up the developing experience. Check out the video to see what I mean. As always let me know if you have any questions/comments.