PlaceCam is a photo editing app for your Windows Phone that lets you add a location and hashtag to your images. You have four templates to choose from to overlay your location and hashtag and a handful of font color and font options to help customize your tags.
While PlaceCam lacks any traditional editing tools (brightness, contrast, effects filters, etc.) it is a “no sweat” way to label and tag your images. I can see it being a handy photography app to have on your Windows Phone.
PlaceCam has the option to launch your Windows Phone camera to capture a new image to tag or you can pull up an existing image to tag from your Pictures Hub. Whichever method used, you’ll have to crop your image in a square frame (much like you do with the Instagram apps). Once cropped, you’re sent to the main editing pages. You have the four templates to choose from and a series of editing controls running along the bottom of the screen.
The Nearby control will use your current location and find any nearby landmarks that may be associated with your photo. If you find a landmark that describes your image’s location just tap on it and the location field is automatically populated.
The Places control is where you can manually enter the location or edit an automatically generated location. You also have the options to choose font size, color, text opacity, choose descriptive symbols to use with the location and choose the theme color (dark or light).
The Hashtag control is, as you would guess, where you add any hashtags to your images. You have options to adjust the font size, font weight and alignment (left, center, right). The font color will be the same as the font color chosen for your location description. The Share control allows you to save your photo to the Pictures Hub and/or share the image on Twitter or Facebook. To share images on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll need to go into the settings and set up permissions for each.
All totaled, PlaceCam is a painless way to add tags to your photos. I can see PlaceCam coming in handy for vacation shots, event photos or just as a way to caption a photo.
PlaceCam is a free app that you can find here in the Windows Phone Store.