We have survived the dreaded apocalypse for the time being, but the year’s end is right around the corner. As CES looms on the horizon, it’s nearly time to look ahead to an entirely fresh slate of new gadgetry. To usher in 2013 in proper fashion, our weekly takes a look back at the major happenings of 2012 along with insight from a few of our editors. But that’s not all. We also count down the top 10 CrapGadgets of the year and compile the best CE-Oh No He Didn’t mudslingin’ of the last 365 days. Eyes-On visually fondles the MakerBot Replicator 2, Recommended Reading gets Netflixed, and director / photographer Timothy Saccenti stops over for the Q&A. Jump down below to grab a copy of your very own, as a truckload of reminiscing is but a few clicks away.
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