Skype has taken its “Skype in the workspace” platform, more commonly referred to as SITW, out of beta, making it available to the general public. The platform is aimed at small businesses, and provides a way to connect with clients and customers worldwide instantly. The platform was in beta for six months.
SITW is free to use, and utilizes the existing Skype network in such a way that small businesses and entrepreneurs can form connections with other businesses, as well as customers and potential partners. Users can create public invitations for offers and opportunities, which other users can then take advantage of. The two parties can then communicate over Skype, giving product demonstrations, business proposals, or similar activities. The receiving party can provide a public testimonial if they desire after it’s over.
Skype’s Head of SMB Marketing Ural Cebeci offered this statement. “With more than 280 million connected users each month, Skype offers a huge range of contacts for the small-business community. We aim to connect millions of small businesses with Skype in the workspace and believe that, by taking advantage of this shared network, businesses can develop the range of tools they need to grow, regardless of location or industry. From the designer in San Francisco looking to source textile suppliers in Thailand to the London consultant connecting with clients in Milan, the possibilities are endless.”
All you need to sign up is a regular Skype account, which you’ll use to join SITW. After logging in to your Skype account, you’ll click “Create an Opportunity” on the Skype website, where you’ll be prompted to create an SITW profile. Soon you’ll be presented with the “Create your Opportunity” screen, where you choose a demonstration length, upload a photo or video if you want, and write an information bit about your opportunity and why users should connect with you to learn more.
[via Microsoft]
Skype launches small business platform SITW is written by SlashGear.
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