We’ve seen some strange and interesting projects hit Kickstarter over the years. A new project has turned up that reminds me of the slide projectors from elementary school combined with my trusty Viewmaster. The project is called Projecteo.
Projecteo is a tiny projector that shines your Instagram images on the wall or other surface. The Instagram photos have to be turned into tiny little wheels of 35 mm slide film to be used in the projector. The tiny projector would have adjustable focus, and the projector wheels can be removed and replaced allowing you to see more images.
The team behind the project says that it works best in the dark, and they’ve been able to shine images up to 2 1/2 feet wide in a completely dark room. Since slide film doesn’t use pixels, the images are just as clear as the originals. It appears the power for the little projector comes from three little circular watch batteries.
You will be able to select the pictures you want to place into your slide wheel using an application. The photos would be sent to a developer in the US the converts them to 35mm film to make the wheel. The entire Projecteo device is designed to be easy to disassemble and hackable. The first 50 backers will be able to get their own Projecteo and create wheel for $15. After the first 50 are sold, another 150 units will be available for $20. The standard price for the device and one wheel on Kickstarter will be $25. The project is seeking $18,000 and has raised a little more than $1000 with 34 days to go.
Projecteo is like a tiny Viewmaster projector for Instagram is written by SlashGear.
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