Those of you waiting for the web browser known as Opera to join us here in the future – the future that includes “Retina” and otherwise high-definition displays galore – now is your day in the sun. Here we’ve got Opera 12.10, a version that takes on “support for high-DPI screens” in its extensions framework, complete with tightened extension security as well as several new APIs as well. This update also includes Fullscreen API for video, games, and web browsing – great for your brand new Microsoft Surface tablet, of course.
Opera 12.10′s release comes right after the Microsoft Surface hits the market – the RT version, that is – expect more integration soon. For now we’ve got the high definition integration for the HD beasts of the now with updates that also show photographs as much more vibrant and colorful – and true to their original form. With support for more high-definition web browsing as well as better integration of such profiles as the example they give – Adobe RGB (1998) – shown in the caterpillar image below, your Surface RT will be rocking until the morning light. That’s International Color Consortium (ICC) profile v4 integration, mind you.
Of course this version of the browser also updates for Mac OS X Mountain Lion and makes with the Notification Center integration. You get a notification now when a download has finished and you’ve got built-in sharing of pages to Facebook, Twitter, and more. This update also brings Windows 8 integration for full-on PCs as well as inertia scrolling and pinch-to-zoom on Windows 7 as well as 8.
This version of Opera has SPDY support, making web pages load faster on SPDY-enabled sites like Twitter, Gmail, and WordPress. Facebook will also soon be working with this protocol, and Opera even has a SPDY indicator extension for you to use if you wish to see which sites have it and which dont. You can download the new version of Opera then at Opera’s download site. Make it yours now!
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Opera 12.10 released for high definition displays is written by SlashGear.
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