Facebook Mobile is finally, after countless requests and far too long, getting a Share button. This feature has been available on the desktop version of Facebook, allowing users to share statuses and images from other users on their own walls. Until now, the feature has been missing from Facebook mobile, however, a serious lack in an otherwise pretty decent app.
The new feature was launched today on the social network’s mobile website. As notes Venture Beat, the share button on Facebook is essentially the equivalent to Twitter’s retweet option. With the share button, you can repost a friend or page’s status, or share images from other users with your friends. According to a Facebook spokesperson, the share button will be available on the iOS and Android apps soon.
The share button has been nestled in with the like and comment buttons, positioned to the right of them. The feature works the same way it does on the desktop browser version of Facebook, allowing users to repost an item while adding their own commentary. Until it is rolled out in the Android and iOS apps, mobile users can take advantage of it by going to m.facebook.com and logging in to the mobile website.
The addition of this feature will no doubt please avid Facebook users and fans, who have requested a mobile share button for quite some time. The days of having to wait until you got home to share images are quickly coming to an end. This comes in light of the growing number of users who primarily access the social network from mobile devices, which presently comes in at around 20-percent.
[via Venture Beat]
Facebook Mobile gets “share” button is written by SlashGear.
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