In case you’ve forgotten (and frankly we don’t know how you could), Call of Duty: Black Ops II launches next Tuesday, November 13. That also happens to be the day a new season of Call of Duty Elite TV kicks off, giving players an edge when it comes to the game’s multiplayer modes. In fact, on the first day of this new season is when the first multiplayer guides will be going live, so right from the start you’ll have some additional Call of Duty content to go along with your new game.
The folks at Treyarch and Activision have released a teaser trailer for this new season of Call of Duty Elite TV, though it doesn’t part with too many details. We’re told that Call of Duty Elite TV will give you information about maps and loadouts, divulge tips that come straight from the developers, and show off “epic community clips.” Call of Duty Elite TV will also be on “more platforms than ever,” including smartphones and tablets.
The best part is that Call of Duty Elite, and by extension Call of Duty Elite TV, will be available for free with Black Ops II. That means no more subscription fees, just all the information a Call of Duty die-hard could ever want. We have a feeling that this will make Black Ops II even harder to put down for some, but then again, we’re also pretty sure that’s precisely what Activision wants. Check out the teaser below.
Black Ops II is primed to be the biggest game of the year, though it has some stiff competition from the likes of Halo 4 and Assassin’s Creed III. It’s been a big couple of weeks for gaming already, and it’s going to get even bigger with next week’s launch of Black Ops II. Are you picking it up on launch day?
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Call of Duty Elite TV new season kicks off November 13 is written by SlashGear.
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