You’d have to be completely unplugged from the world right now not to know about Hurricane Sandy and the impending Frankenstorm. Things are gonna get bad over the next couple of days and you need to be ready for whatever happens. This week can and will see canceled flights, closed transit systems, power outages, and much more. In fact, we understand that some of these things have already affected some of you readers.
We felt obligated to put together the following list of Android apps to help you out in the event you run into trouble. This is a collection of titles you ought to consider installing on a smartphone or tablet so that you can arm yourself in the event of a hurricane, storm, wildfire, or something equally disastrous. No, this is not an exhaustive list, but it’s a great place to start.
Note, it’s also possible that your local radio or television stations have a dedicated app or mobile-optimized website. If so, definitely check that out or bookmark the page. Another idea is to use Facebook, Twitter, or another social network to update your status. Don’t be stupid about it, though, and flood timelines with useless junk. Doing so will hurt your chances of being noticed should something really bad happen
Continue reading: Prepare for disaster with these 30 essential Android apps
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