Earlier this year we happened upon a group that had a completely wild idea for protective skins for smart devices of all kinds: customizable 3D graphics that literally change the way you feel your day-to-day technology. Now Nexgen Skins is ready to launch for real, bringing on a “spare no cost” mentality for the next generation of gadget users. The folks at Nexgen Skins are now happy to announce that they’re officially ready to take orders and make custom-designed 3D skins for a massive amount of devices: everything from your MacBook to your HTC smartphone and back out to your massive desktop machine.
At the moment, Nexgen Skins is working with mostly Apple products outside of the smartphone world, this including iMac, Thunderbolt displays, and even the Apple TrackPad. They are however bringing on skins for the Barnes & Noble NOOK, Amazon Kindle, Samsung tablets, and the iButton by Daulphinz too! Inside the smartphone universe, all bets are off – they’re even making skins for Palm devices.
These skins are able to provide you with a tactile feel to your devices not available in any other protective solution, and aid in shock absorption with thicker material than most other “skin” protective groups – especially if you get one of the really thick designs. You can customize your order or you can select from one of the many pre-made designs they’ve got ready in the lab. Utterly odd they are: Gothic Heiress, Alligator, La Blue Girl, as well as some really fine looking bits like Carbon Fibre and Hardwood.
Have a peek at our talk with Nexgen from CTIA earlier this year:
You can pick your own skin up right this minute over at Nexgen Skins and/or create your own customized skin with their lovely customizer. If you’ve got a device they don’t have, be sure to let them know as well, and get pumped up about the possibility of putting a giant 3D gopher face on the back of your Android device. It’s going to be fabulous!
Nexgen Skins officially launches with custom 3D coverings for smart devices is written by SlashGear.
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